Client Functions
Use the following export function to build a UI through the cores UI builder.
Below is an example of how UI data should be formatted. For more information on how the builder works refer to the guide here: PLACEHOLDER
Example UI Data
const data = {
resource: GetCurrentResourceName(),
header: {
header_left: {
image: 'https://placehold.co/64x64',
info_1: 'Placeholder Name',
info_2: 'ID_123456',
header_right: {
flex_direction: 'row',
options: [
{ icon: 'fa-solid fa-wallet', value: '$0' },
{ icon: 'fa-solid fa-coins', value: '100' },
footer: {
actions: [
{ id: 'close_ui', key: 'ESCAPE', label: 'Close' },
{ id: 'open_help', key: 'H', label: 'Help' },
content: {
cards: {
type: 'cards',
title: 'Example Cards',
layout: 'row',
search: {
placeholder: 'Search items...',
cards: [
image: {
src: 'https://placehold.co/64x64',
size: { width: '64px', height: 'auto', border: '2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);' },
is_profile_picture: true,
title: 'Card Title',
description: 'Placeholder description.',
layout: 'row',
on_hover: {
title: 'Hovered Card',
description: ['Detailed description for the card.'],
values: [{ key: 'Detail', value: 'Example Value' }],
actions: [{ id: 'interact_item', key: 'E', label: 'Interact' }],
inventory: {
type: 'slot_inventory',
player: {
slots: 42,
weight: 0,
max_weight: 50000,
items: [
slot: 1,
id: 'item_1',
rarity: 'common',
weight: 100,
quantity: 3,
stackable: true,
quality: 80,
image: {
src: 'https://placehold.co/48x48',
size: { width: '48px', height: 'auto', border: 'transparent' },
on_hover: {
title: 'Example Item',
description: [
'A sample item for inventory display.',
values: [
{ key: 'Quantity', value: 3 },
{ key: 'Weight', value: '300g' },
actions: [
{ id: 'use_item', key: 'F', label: 'Use' },
{ id: 'inspect_item', key: 'I', label: 'Inspect' },
other: {
slots: 10,
weight: 0,
max_weight: 20000,
items: [
slot: 1,
id: 'item_2',
rarity: 'epic',
weight: 100,
quantity: 3,
stackable: 10,
image: {
src: 'https://placehold.co/48x48',
size: { width: '48px', height: 'auto', border: 'transparent' },
on_hover: {
title: 'Example Item',
description: [
'A sample item for inventory display.',
values: [
{ key: 'Quantity', value: 3 },
{ key: 'Weight', value: '300g' },
actions: [
{ id: 'use_item', key: 'F', label: 'Use' },
{ id: 'inspect_item', key: 'I', label: 'Inspect' },
table: {
type: 'table',
title: 'Example Table',
columns: ['Header 1', 'Header 2', 'Header 3'],
rows: [
['Data 1', 'Data 2', 'Data 3'],
['Data A', 'Data B', 'Data C'],
['Example X', 'Example Y', 'Example Z'],
list: {
type: 'list',
title: 'Example List',
items: ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3', 'Item 4', 'Item 5'],
inputs: {
id: 'inputs',
type: 'input_groups',
title: 'Example Inputs',
groups: [
header: 'Example Inputs',
expandable: true,
inputs: [
{ category: 'category1', id: 'value1', label: 'Example 1', type: 'number' },
{ category: 'category2', id: 'value2', label: 'Example 2', type: 'number' }
Use the following to send notifications.
This function uses the notifications bridge in boii_utils
. Make sure you have set your desired notifications in utils correctly, for more information on this refer to boii_utils
type = 'info',
header = 'Information Notification',
message = 'Some information..',
duration = 3500
Client Events
Use the following event to build a UI from the server. For example UI data refer here.
emitNet('boii:cl:build_ui', data)
Server Functions
Use the following to send notifications .
This function uses the notifications bridge in boii_utils
. Make sure you have set your desired notifications in utils correctly, for more information on this refer to boii_utils
exports.boii_core.notify(source, {
type = 'info',
header = 'Information Notification',
message = 'Some information..',
duration = 3500
Last updated