Small selection of functions related to player scopes.
Use the following to get players within the scope of a specified player.
--- Utils object
local in_scope = utils.scope.get_player_scope(source)
print('In scope:', json.encode(in_scope))
--- Direct export
local in_scope = exports.boii_utils:get_player_scope(source)
Use the following to trigger an event on all players within the scope of another player.
--- Specify event name
local event_name = 'your_event_name'
--- Specify any parameters to pass through the event
local event_params = {
message = 'Hi!'
--- Utils object
utils.scope.trigger_scope_event(event_name, source, event_params)
--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:trigger_scope_event(event_name, source, event_params)