

All commands use boii_utils command system. Permissions are assigned to user accounts within your database. Refer to boii_utils documentation for more information.

Open Commands

Any of these commands can be used by anyone on the server.


Sends a notification containing current server ID.


Logs out of current character and returns back to character selection.

Admin Commands

Any of these commands are restricted to user account permissions. To add or change permissions modify the commands permission array.


/copycoords [type]

Copy your current coordinates to the clipboard in both vector and object format.

Parameters: type - Options: v1, v2, or v3

/vehicle [model]

Spawns a vehicle by its model. This can only spawn vehicles that are defined within vehicles.json.


  • model: Vehicles model name.


Deletes the current vehicle you are inside.

/add_item [source] [item_id] [quantity]

Adds an item to the specified source player.


  • source: Players server ID.

  • item_id: Unique ID for item.

  • quantity: The quantity of item to add.

/remove_item [source] [criteria] [quantity]

Removes and item from the specified source player.


  • source: Players server ID.

  • criteria: The 'item_id' to remove or 'slot' to remove item from.

  • quantity: The quantity to remove

Calling by 'item_id' will remove the first item with the ID, this could create issues if people have multiple single stacks, e.g. weapons. If quantity is left null the entire stack will be removed.

Last updated