

The Framework Bridge abstracts framework-specific logic into a common, easy-to-use API, allowing seamless interaction with multiple frameworks such as boii_core, qb-core, es_extended, and ox_core.

By consolidating functionality into a single bridge, developers can write framework-independent code, improving maintainability and scalability.

Addtional default support will be added for other frameworks as time progresses. If your framework is not currently covered and you would like it to be, reach out through discord.

Client Functions


Use the following function to retrieve the players client side across any covered framework.

--- Utils object
local player_data = utils.fw.get_data()

print('Player Data:', json.encode(player_data))

--- Direct export
local player_data = exports.boii_utils:get_data()

print('Player Data:', json.encode(player_data))


Use the following function to retrieve the players identity information.

--- Utils object
local identity = utils.fw.get_identity()

print('Identity:', json.encode(identity))

--- Direct export
local identity = exports.boii_utils:get_identity()

print('Identity:', json.encode(identity))


Use the following function to return the player characters unique identifier. ('passport', 'citizenid', 'stateId', 'identifier', ... )

--- Utils object
local unique_id = utils.fw.get_player_id()

print('Unique ID:', unique_id)

--- Direct export
local unique_id = exports.boii_utils:get_player_id()

print('Unique ID:', unique_id)


Use the following function to check if a player has a specific job with an optional on duty check.

 --- Specify job/s
local jobs = { 'police', 'fib' }
--- If true player must be on duty to pass job check
local require_on_duty = true

--- Utils object
utils.fw.player_has_job(jobs, require_on_duty, function(has_job)
    if has_job then
        print('Player has job.')
        print('Player does not have job.')

--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:player_has_job(jobs, require_on_duty, function(has_job)
    if has_job then
        print('Player has job.')
        print('Player does not have job.')


Use the following function to return the players grade for a specific job.

--- Specify job
local job = 'police'

--- Utils object
utils.fw.get_player_job_grade(job, function(job_grade)
    if job_grade then
        print('Players job grade: ', job_grade)
        print('No grade found.')

--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:get_player_job_grade(job, function(job_grade)
    if job_grade then
        print('Players job grade: ', job_grade)
        print('No grade found.')


Use the following function to retrieve the players inventory data.

--- Utils object
    if inventory then
        print('Players Inventory: ', json.encode(inventory))
        print('No inventory found.')

--- Direct export
    if inventory then
        print('Players Inventory: ', json.encode(inventory))
        print('No inventory found.')


Use the following function to retrieve data for a specific item in the players inventory.

--- Specify item
local item = 'lockpick'

--- Utils object
utils.fw.get_item(item, function(inv_item)
    if inv_item then
        print('Item:', json.encode(inv_item))
        print('No item found.')

--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:get_item(item, function(inv_item)
    if inv_item then
        print('Item:', json.encode(inv_item))
        print('No item found.')


Use the following function to check if a player has a specified item and quantity.

--- Specify item
local item = 'lockpick'
--- Specify quantity
local quantity = 1

--- Utils export
utils.fw.has_item(item, quantity, function(has_item)
    if has_item then
        print('Player has item.')
        print('Player does not have item.')

--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:has_item(item, quantity, function(has_item)
    if has_item then
        print('Player has item.')
        print('Player does not have item.')

Server Functions


Use the following to retrieve all framework players currently connected.

--- Utils object
local players = utils.fw.get_players()

print('Players:', json.encode(players)

--- Direct export
local players = exports.boii_utils:get_players()


Use the following to retrieve a players object.

--- Utils object
local player = utils.fw.get_player(source)

if player then print('Player exists!') end

--- Direct export
local player = exports.boii_utils:get_player(source)


Use the following to retrieve the unique id for the character the player is using. The unique id is the characters citizenidfor qb, stateIdfor ox, identifierfor esx and so on.

--- Utils object
local player_id = utils.fw.get_player_id(source)

print('Player ID:', player_id)

--- Direct export
local player_id = exports.boii_utils:get_player_id(source)


Use the following to get required player parameters for database entries.

--- Utils object
local query, params = utils.fw.get_id_params(source)

print('Query:', query)
print('Params:', json.encode(params))

--- Direct export
local query, params = exports.boii_utils:get_id_params(source)


Use the following to get prepared database insert data.

--- Utils object
local columns, values, params = utils.fw.get_insert_params(source)

print('Columns:', json.encode(columns))
print('Values:', values)
print('Params:', json.encode(params))

--- Direct export
local columns, values, params = exports.boii_utils:get_insert_params(source)


Use the following to retrieve the players current character identity data, e.g. first name, last name etc.

--- Utils object
local identity = utils.fw.get_identity(source)

print('Identity:', json.encode(identity))

--- Direct export
local identity = exports.boii_utils:get_identity(source)


Use the following to check if a player has a specific item in their inventory and the correct quantity.

--- Utils object
local has_item = utils.fw.has_item(source, 'water', 2)

if has_item then print('Player has enough water!') end

--- Direct export
local has_item = exports.boii_utils:has_item(source, 'water', 2)


Use the following to get a specified item from a players inventory.

--- Utils object
local item = utils.fw.get_item(source, 'water')

print('Item:', json.encode(item))

--- Direct export
local item = exports.boii_utils:get_item(source, 'water')


Use the following to retrieve the players inventory.

--- Utils object
local inventory = utils.fw.get_inventory(source)

print('Inventory:', json.encode(inventory))

--- Direct export
local inventory = exports.boii_utils:get_inventory(source)


Use the following to adjust a players inventory. This is a little different to the normal but allows for batch updating if required and saves some space when coding for multiple item transactions within a script. The code example below has been commented to help guide this a little better.

--- Utils object
utils.fw.adjust_inventory(source, {
    items = { -- Items
            item_id = 'burger', -- Unique ID for the item
            action = 'add', -- Action to perform 'add' or 'remove'
            quantity = 3, -- Quantity to remove or add
            data = { quality = 100 } -- Optional additional data if required
        { item_id = 'water', action = 'remove', quantity = 1 },
    validation_data = { -- Valdation data is optional this can be removed if not used
        location = vector3(100.0, 100.0, 20.0), -- Coordinates for the action e.g. shopkeeper
        distance = 10.0, -- The distance player can be from the location
        drop_player = true -- Enable/disable kicking player if they are out of range
    note = 'Received items.', -- Note if required for logging
    should_save = true -- Only relevant to boii_core as data can be force saved if required

--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:adjust_inventory(source, {
    items = { { item_id = 'burger', action = 'add', quantity = 3 } },
    note = 'Received items.', -- Note if required for logging
    should_save = true -- Only relevant to boii_core as data can be force saved if required


Use the following to update the metadata of an item.

--- Utils object
utils.fw.update_item_data(source, 'water', { quality = 50 })

--- Direct exports
exports.boii_utils:update_item_data(source, 'water', { quality = 50 })


Use the following to retrieve all balances a player has.

--- Utils object
local balances = utils.fw.get_balances(source)

print('Balances:', json.encode(balances))

--- Direct export
local balances = exports.boii_utils:get_balance(source)


Use the following to retrieve a specific balance by type.

--- Utils object
local balance = utils.fw.get_balance_by_type(source, 'bank')

print('Balance:', tonumber(balance))

--- Direct exports
local balance = exports.boii_utils:get_balance_by_type(source, 'bank')


Use the following to adjust a players balances. This is a little different to the normal but allows for batch updating if required and saves some space when coding for multiple balance transactions within a script. The code example below has been commented to help guide this a little better.

--- Utils object
utils.fw.adjust_balance(source, {
    operations = { -- Operations
            balance_type = 'bank', -- Balance type to adjust
            action = 'remove', -- Action to perform 'add' or 'remove'
            amount = 1000 -- Amount to add or remove
        { balance_type = 'savings', action = 'add', amount = 1000 }
    validation_data = { -- Valdation data is optional this can be removed if not used
        location = vector3(100.0, 100.0, 20.0), -- Coordinates for the action e.g. shopkeeper
        distance = 10.0, -- The distance player can be from the location
        drop_player = true -- Enable/disable kicking player if they are out of range
    note = 'Made a transfer..', -- Note if required for logging
    should_save = true -- Only relevant to boii_core as data can be force saved if required


--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:adjust_balance(source, {
    operations = { -- Operations
        { balance_type = 'bank', action = 'remove', amount = 1000 },
        { balance_type = 'savings', action = 'add', amount = 1000 }
    note = 'Made a transfer..', -- Note if required for logging
    should_save = true -- Only relevant to boii_core as data can be force saved if required


Use the following to retrieve the players jobs. This includes boii_core's roles & ox_core's groups.

--- Utils object
local player_jobs = utils.fw.get_player_jobs(source)

print('Player jobs:', json.encode(player_jobs))

--- Direct exports
local player_jobs = exports.boii_utils:get_player_jobs(source)


Use the following to check if the player has one of the jobs specified. You can specify as many different jobs you want, along with an optional on duty check.

--- Specify jobs
local jobs = { 'police', 'fib' }
--- Specify if players should be on duty to count
local on_duty_required = true

--- Utils object
local has_job = utils.fw.player_has_job(source, jobs, on_duty_required)

if has_job then print('Player has job!') end

--- Direct export
local has_job = exports.boii_utils:player_has_job(source, jobs, on_duty_required)


Use the following to retrieve the players grade/rank for a specified job.

--- Utils object
local job_grade = utils.fw.get_player_job_grade(source, 'police')

print('Job grade:', job_grade)

--- Direct exports
local job_grade = exports.boii_utils:get_player_job_grade(source, 'police')


Use the following to retrieve a count of players by specified job names. This is useful for returning police counts, can optionally only check for players on duty.

--- Specify jobs
local jobs = { 'police', 'fib' }
--- Specify if players should be on duty to count
local on_duty_required = true

--- Utils object
local total_with_job, total_on_duty = utils.fw.count_player_with_job(jobs, on_duty_required)

--- Direct export
local total_with_job, total_on_duty = exports.boii_utils:count_player_with_job(jobs, on_duty_required)


Use the following to the first job name found for a player.

--- Utils object
local job_name = utils.fw.get_player_job_name(source)

print('Job name:', job_name)

--- Direct export
local job_name = exports.boii_utils:get_player_job_name(source)


Use the following to adjust a players statuses.

--- Specify statuses
local statuses = {
    health = 100,
    armour = 50,
    thirst = 100

--- Utils object
utils.fw.adjust_statuses(source, statuses)

--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:adjust_statuses(source, statuses)


Use the following to register an item.

--- Utils object
utils.fw.register_item('water', function() 
    print('Used water.')

--- Direct export
exports.boii_utils:register_item('water', function() 
    print('Used water.')

Last updated