
The configuration for utils can be quite extensive, this depends entirely on the integrations you will to use within development.

For example, if you do not want to use the inbuilt skills system then just ignore the config section.

Client Config

--- Client Configuration.
-- This script contains essential configuration settings.
-- @script client/config.lua

--- @section Global tables and objects

--- Global configuration table.
-- Contains settings for the framework and notification system.
-- @table config
config = config or {}

--- Utilities tables.
utils = utils or {}

utils.blips = utils.blips or {}
utils.callback = utils.callback or {}
utils.character_creation = utils.character_creation or {}
utils.cooldowns = utils.cooldowns or {}
utils.developer = utils.developer or {}
utils.draw = utils.draw or {}
utils.entities = utils.entities or {}
utils.environment = utils.environment or {}
utils.fw = utils.fw or {}
utils.groups = utils.groups or {}
utils.licences = utils.licences or {}
utils.notify = utils.notify or {} -- This is going to be removed just allowing time for people to switch out old functions for new. Please use utils.ui.notify instead.
utils.peds = utils.peds or {}
utils.player = utils.player or {}
utils.reputation = utils.reputation or {}
utils.requests = utils.requests or {}
utils.skills = utils.skills or {}
utils.ui = utils.ui or {} -- This section now contains notifications please use this in favour of utils.notify as utils.notify is set to be removed entirely.
utils.vehicles = utils.vehicles or {}
utils.zones = utils.zones or {}

--- Callbacks table within utilities.
-- @field callbacks Table for storing callbacks.
callbacks = {}

--- @section Settings

--- Framework configuration.
-- @field config.framework: Specifies the active framework. Options: 'boii_core', 'qb-core', 'ox_core', 'es_extended', 'custom'.
config.framework = 'boii_core'

--- Notification system configuration.
-- @field config.notifications: Specifies the active notification system. Options: 'boii_ui', 'qb-core', 'ox_lib', 'custom'.
config.notifications = 'boii_ui'

config.ui = {
    notify = 'boii_ui',
    progressbar = 'boii_ui',
    drawtext = 'boii_ui'

--- Disable settings
-- @field frameworks: Disables framework bridge functions to allow resource to be entirely standalone
config.disable = {
    frameworks = false, 

--- Debug configuration settings.
-- Contains toggleable debug settings for different systems within the framework.
-- @table config.debug
-- @field reputation boolean: If true, enables debug prints for the reputation system.
-- @field skills boolean: If true, enables debug prints for the skill system.
-- @field licence boolean: If true, enables debug prints for the licence system.
-- @field character_creation boolean: If true, enables debug prints for the character creation functions.
config.debug = {
    reputation = true,
    skills = true,
    licence = true,
    character_creation = true

Server Config

--- Server Configuration.
-- This script contains essential configuration settings.
-- @script server/config.lua

--- @section Global tables and objects

--- Global configuration table.
-- Contains settings for the framework and notification system.
-- @table config
config = config or {}

--- Global utilities table.
-- Contains utility functions and callback registrations.
-- @table utils
utils = utils or {}

utils.buckets = utils.buckets or {}
utils.callback = utils.callback or {}
utils.commands = utils.commands or {}
utils.connections = utils.connections or {}
utils.cooldowns = utils.cooldowns or {}
utils.db = utils.db or {}
utils.dates = utils.dates or {}
utils.fw = utils.fw or {}
utils.groups = utils.groups or {}
utils.items = utils.items or {}
utils.licences = utils.licences or {}
utils.notify = utils.notify or {} -- This is going to be removed just allowing time for people to switch out old functions for new. Please use utils.ui.notify instead.
utils.reputation = utils.reputation or {}
utils.scope = utils.scope or {}
utils.skills = utils.skills or {}
utils.ui = utils.ui or {} -- This section now contains notifications please use this in favour of utils.notify as utils.notify is set to be removed entirely.
utils.version = utils.version or {}
utils.zones = utils.zones or {}

--- Callbacks table within utilities.
-- Stores registered callbacks for server-client communication.
-- @field callbacks: Table for storing callbacks.
callbacks = {}

--- @section Settings

--- Framework configuration.
-- @field config.framework: Specifies the active framework. Options: 'boii_core', 'qb-core', 'ox_core', 'es_extended', 'custom'.
config.framework = 'boii_core'

--- Notification system configuration.
-- @field config.notifications: Specifies the active notification system. Options: 'boii_ui', 'qb-core', 'ox_lib', 'custom'.
config.notifications = 'boii_ui'

config.ui = {
    notify = 'boii_ui',
    progressbar = 'boii_ui',
    drawtext = 'boii_ui'

--- Statuses configuration.
-- @field config.boii_statuses: Toggle use of boii_statuses if enabled framework default statuses will be bypassed.
config.boii_statuses = true

--- Disable settings
-- @field frameworks: Disables framework bridge functions to allow resource to be entirely standalone
config.disable = {
    frameworks = false, 

--- Debug settings
-- @field reputation: Toggle debug prints for reputation system
-- @field skills: Toggle debug prints for skills system
-- @field licence: Toggle debug prints for licence system
-- @field conversions: Toggle debug prints for conversions system
config.debug = {
    reputation = true,
    skills = true,
    licence = true,
    conversions = true

--- Group settings
-- @field max_groups: Maximum amount of groups a play can be in at once
-- @field max_members: Default max amount of members who can join a group
config.groups = {
    max_groups = 1,
    max_members = 6,

--- Reputation settings
-- @field sql: SQL settings for reputation data.
-- @field table_name: Name of the table for storing player reputations.
-- @field list: List of reputations.
-- @field id: Unique identifier for the reputation.
-- @field category: Category to which the reputation belongs.
-- @field label: Display name of the reputation.
-- @field level: Starting level for the reputation.
-- @field start_rep: Starting reputation points.
-- @field first_level_rep: Reputation points required to reach the first level.
-- @field growth_factor: Factor by which the reputation points increase per level.
-- @field max_level: Maximum level that can be achieved for the reputation.
config.reputation = {
    sql = {
        table_name = 'player_reputation'
    list = {
        trucker = {
            id = 'trucker',
            category = 'civilian_job',
            label = 'Truck Driver',
            level = 1,
            start_ep = 0,
            first_level_rep = 1000,
            growth_factor = 1.5,
            max_level = 10

--- Skills settings
-- @field sql: SQL settings for skill data.
-- @field table_name: Name of the table for storing player skills.
-- @field list: List of skills.
-- @field id: Unique identifier for the skill.
-- @field category: Category to which the skill belongs.
-- @field label: Display name of the skill.
-- @field level: Starting level for the skill.
-- @field start_xp: Starting experience points.
-- @field first_level_xp: Experience points required to reach the first level.
-- @field growth_factor: Factor by which the experience points increase per level.
-- @field max_level: Maximum level that can be achieved for the skill.
config.skills = {
    sql = {
        table_name = 'player_skills'
    list = {
        scavenging = { -- Used by: boii_hobolife
            id = 'scavenging',
            category = 'survival',
            label = 'Scavenging',
            level = 1,
            start_xp = 0,
            first_level_xp = 1000,
            growth_factor = 1.5,
            max_level = 10
        cooking = { -- Used by: boii_hobolife
            id = 'cooking',
            category = 'survival',
            label = 'Cooking',
            level = 1,
            start_xp = 0,
            first_level_xp = 1000,
            growth_factor = 1.5,
            max_level = 10

--- Licences settings
-- @field sql: SQL settings for licence data.
-- @field table_name: Name of the table for storing player licences.
-- @field list: List of licences.
-- @field id: Unique identifier for the licence.
-- @field label: Display name of the licence.
-- @field theory: Default setting for licence theory completion.
-- @field practical: Default setting for licence practical completion.
config.licences = {
    sql = {
        table_name = 'player_licences'
    list = {
        car = {
            id = 'car',
            label = 'Car Driving Licence',
            theory = false,
            practical = false
        motorcycle = {
            id = 'motorcycle',
            label = 'Motorcycle Driving Licence',
            theory = false,
            practical = false
        truck = {
            id = 'truck',
            label = 'Truck Driving Licence',
            theory = false,
            practical = false
        plane = {
            id = 'plane',
            label = 'Pilots Licence',
            theory = false,
            practical = false
        helicopter = {
            id = 'helicopter',
            label = 'Helicopter Licence',
            theory = false,
            practical = false
        boat = {
            id = 'boat',
            label = 'Boating Licence',
            theory = false,
            practical = false
        firearms = {
            id = 'firearms',
            label = 'Firearms Licence',
            theory = false,
            practical = false

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