To use the UI elements within other resources you can do so by using the following exports client side.


Action Menu

The action menu can be used to replace the use of a "radial menu", this has been demonstrated in boii_core




local test_menu = {
        label = 'Level 1',
        icon = 'fa-solid fa-sitemap',
        colour = 'red',
        submenu = {
                label = 'Level 2',
                icon = 'fa-solid fa-operations',
                colour = 'orange',
                submenu = {
                        label = 'Level 3',
                        icon = 'fa-solid fa-truck-moving',
                        colour = 'yellow',
                        submenu = {
                                label = 'Level 4',
                                icon = 'fa-solid fa-boxes',
                                colour = 'green',
                                submenu = {
                                        label = 'Level 5',
                                        icon = 'fa-solid fa-map-marked-alt',
                                        colour = 'blue',
                                        submenu = {
                                                label = 'Confirm',
                                                icon = 'fa-solid fa-check-circle',
                                                colour = 'purple',
                                                action_type = 'client',
                                                action = 'example_event',
                                                params = { example_param = 'example_value' }
        label = 'Quick Access',
        icon = 'fa-solid fa-toolbox',
        action_type = 'client',
        action = 'boii_target:cl:open_toolbox',
        params = {}

RegisterCommand('test_action_menu', function()
    SetNuiFocus(true, true)
end, false)

Context Menu

Context menu supports a variety of different menu types this will be worked on a little more and improved as time progresses.




local test_menu = {
    header = {
        message = 'Example Header', -- Menu header title
        icon = 'fa-solid fa-bell', -- Menu header icon 
        image = '/html/assets/images/logo.png', -- Menu header image
    options = {
            type = 'regular', -- Menu option type this is a regular context menu option like you are used too
            header = 'Example Menu Item', -- Menu option header
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-car', -- Menu option icon
            message = 'This is an example standard menu item', -- Menu icon message
            action_type = 'client', -- Type of action to trigger: options; 'client', 'server'
            action = 'test_event', -- Action to perform
            params = {}, -- Parameters for the above action
            should_close = true -- Toggle if clicking menu option should close the menu or not
            type = 'regular', -- Menu option type this is a regular context menu option like you are used too
            header = 'Example Disabled Menu Item', -- Menu option header
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-car', -- Menu option icon
            message = 'This is an example standard menu item', -- Menu icon message
            action_type = 'client', -- Type of action to trigger: options; 'client', 'server'
            action = 'test_event', -- Action to perform
            params = {}, -- Parameters for the above action
            disabled = true, -- Adding this will disable the menu option so it appears grayed out
            should_close = true -- Toggle if clicking menu option should close the menu or not
            type = 'regular', -- Menu option type this is a regular context menu option like you are used too
            header = 'Example None Interactable', -- Menu option header
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-car', -- Menu option icon
            message = 'This is an example standard menu item', -- Menu icon message
            action_type = 'client', -- Type of action to trigger: options; 'client', 'server'
            action = 'test_event', -- Action to perform
            params = {}, -- Parameters for the above action
            interactable = false, -- Adding this retains the original look however the option cannot be interacted with
            should_close = true -- Toggle if clicking menu option should close the menu or not
            type = 'drop', -- This is the drop down option type
            header = 'Example Drop Down Item',
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-car',
            message = 'This is an example drop down menu item',
            submenu = { -- Submenu is created when clicking on main menu item, you handle the actions here instead.
                    header = 'Example Sub Header',
                    message = 'This is an example sub menu item',
                    action_type = 'client',
                    action = 'test_event',
                    params = {},
                    header = 'Example Sub Header 2',
                    message = 'This is an example sub menu item 2',
                    action_type = 'client',
                    action = 'test_event',
                    params = {},
            type = 'input', -- This is the input option type
            header = 'Example Input Item',
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-house',
            message = 'This is an example input menu item',
            fields = {
                id = true, -- Toggle if players ID is required
                number = false, -- Toggle a number value input
                text = true, -- Toggle a text value input
            button = { -- This is the first entry for a button in the test menu the submit button will submit the values of the input fields
                text = 'Submit', -- Button text
                icon = 'fa-solid fa-plus', -- Button icon
                action_type = 'client', -- Type of action to trigger: options; 'client', 'server'
                action = 'test_event', -- Action to perform
                params = {}, -- Parameters for the above action
            type = 'list', -- This is the list selector option type
            header = 'Example List Selector',
            icon = 'fa-solid fa-house',
            message = 'This is an example input menu item',
            options = {'Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'}, -- This is your list of available options
            button = {
                text = 'Submit',
                icon = 'fa-solid fa-plus',
                action_type = 'client',
                action = 'test_event',
                params = {},
            type = 'colour', -- This is the colour picker option type
            header = 'Example Colour Picker',
            message = 'This is an example colour picker',
            button = {
                text = 'Submit',
                icon = 'fa-solid fa-plus',
                action_type = 'client',
                action = 'test_event',
                params = {},
            type = 'checklist', -- This is the checklist option type
            header = 'Example Checklist',
            message = 'This is an example checklist',
            items = { -- This is where you input items for the checklist
                { id = 'item1', value = 'item1', label = 'Example Item 1' },
                { id = 'item2', value = 'item2', label = 'Example Item 2' },
            button = {
                text = 'Submit',
                icon = 'fa-solid fa-plus',
                action_type = 'client',
                action = 'test_event',
                params = {},
            type = 'slider', -- This is the slider option type
            header = 'Example Sliders',
            message = 'This is an example slider item',
            sliders = { -- This is where you add the sliders and adjust values
                { min = 0, max = 100, default = 50 },
                { min = 0, max = 200, default = 100 },
            button = {
                text = 'Submit',
                icon = 'fa-solid fa-plus',
                action_type = 'client',
                action = 'test_event',
                params = {},
            type = 'toggle', -- This is the toggle switches option type
            header = 'Example Toggle Switches',
            message = 'This is an example toggle switch item',
            toggles = {
                    label = 'Toggle 1', -- Label text for switch
                    checked = true, -- Sets the toggle switch to active 
                    action_type = 'client',
                    action = 'test_event',
                    params = {},
                    label = 'Toggle 2',
                    checked = false,
                    action_type = 'client',
                    action = 'test_event',
                    params = {},

RegisterCommand('test_context_menu', function()
    SetNuiFocus(true, true)


To access the dialogue system we need the ped to face, and the coordinates for validation.


exports.boii_ui:dialogue(test_dialogue, ped, coords)


--- Test dialogue conversation
local test_dialogue = {
    header = {
        message = 'Quarry Employee', -- Dialogue header text
        icon = 'fa-solid fa-hard-hat', -- Header icon
        image = '/html/assets/images/logo.png', -- Header Image
    conversation = {
            id = 1, -- This is the ID of the conversation option this is used to navigate through conversation options
            response = 'Hello, welcome to the quarry. How can I assist you today?', -- This is the NPC response message displayed to players
            options = {
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-question-circle', -- Player response option icon
                    message = 'Can you tell me more about what you do here?', -- Player response option message
                    next_id = 2, -- Next conversation ID to move to when clicking option
                    should_end = false -- Toggles if clicking on the option should end the conversation
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-briefcase',
                    message = 'What kind of jobs are available at the quarry?',
                    next_id = 3,
                    should_end = false
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-shield-alt',
                    message = 'Are there any safety protocols I should be aware of?',
                    next_id = 4,
                    should_end = false
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-door-open',
                    message = 'Goodbye!',
                    next_id = nil, -- Next ID is nil since we are using should_end = true below
                    should_end = true, -- Since this is true clicking this option will end the conversation and run the action below if provided
                    action_type = 'client', -- Type of action to trigger: options; 'client', 'server'
                    action = 'testevent', -- Action to perform
                    params = {} -- Parameters for the action
            id = 2,
            response = 'We primarily focus on extracting minerals and processing them for various uses. It\'s challenging but fulfilling work.',
            options = {
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-arrow-left',
                    message = 'Back to previous options',
                    next_id = 1,
                    should_end = false
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-door-open',
                    message = 'Thank you, that\'s all for now.',
                    next_id = nil,
                    should_end = true,
                    action_type = 'client',
                    action = 'testevent',
                    params = {}
            id = 3,
            response = 'There are several roles here, from equipment operators to safety inspectors. We\'re always looking for dedicated workers.',
            options = {
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-arrow-left',
                    message = 'Back to previous options',
                    next_id = 1,
                    should_end = false
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-door-open',
                    message = 'Thanks, I\'ll consider applying.',
                    next_id = nil,
                    should_end = true,
                    action_type = 'client',
                    action = 'testevent',
                    params = {}
            id = 4,
            response = 'Safety is our top priority. Everyone is required to wear protective gear, and we have regular training sessions.',
            options = {
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-arrow-left',
                    message = 'Back to previous options',
                    next_id = 1,
                    should_end = false
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-door-open',
                    message = 'Good to know. Thanks for the information.',
                    next_id = nil,
                    should_end = true,
                    action_type = 'client',
                    action = 'testevent',
                    params = {}
            id = 5,
            response = 'Please report it to our maintenance team immediately. We need to ensure a safe working environment.',
            options = {
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-arrow-left',
                    message = 'Back to previous options',
                    next_id = 1,
                    should_end = false
                    icon = 'fa-solid fa-door-open',
                    message = 'I will let them know. Thanks!',
                    next_id = nil,
                    should_end = true,
                    action_type = 'client',
                    action = 'testevent',
                    params = {}

--- Function to get closest ped
-- This was copied from `boii_utils`.
local function get_closest_ped(coords, max_distance)
    local peds = GetGamePool('CPed')
    local closest_ped, closest_coords
    max_distance = max_distance or 2.0
    for i = 1, #peds do
        local ped = peds[i]
        if not IsPedAPlayer(ped) then
            local ped_coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
            local distance = #(coords - ped_coords)
            if distance < max_distance then
                max_distance = distance
                closest_ped = ped
                closest_coords = ped_coords
    return closest_ped, closest_coords

--- Test command to open dialogue.
RegisterCommand('test_dialogue', function()
    local ped, coords = get_closest_ped(vector3(224.13, -1393.95, 30.59), 5.0)
    exports.boii_ui:dialogue(test_dialogue, ped, coords)


Just a straight forward replacement for drawing text on screen.


exports.boii_ui:show_drawtext(header, text, icon)


RegisterCommand('test_show_drawtext', function()
    local header = "Test Header"
    local text = "This is a test message."
    local icon = "fa fa-info-circle"
    exports.boii_ui:show_drawtext(header, text, icon)
end, false)


Notifications natively supports a large variety of different types, you can create more in html/scripts/notifications.js


Client Side:


Server Side:

TriggerClientEvent('boii_ui:notify', source, options)


Client Side:

    header = 'Test Header',
    message = 'Test message..',
    type = 'success',
    duration = 3500

Server Side:

TriggerClientEvent('boii_ui:notify', source {
    header = 'Test Header',
    message = 'Test message..',
    type = 'success',
    duration = 3500

Progress Bar

Another straight forward one just a progress bar except it supports multiple props.




    header = 'Trimming Buds..', -- Progressbar header text
    icon = 'fa-solid fa-cannabis', -- Header icon
    duration = 15000, -- Total duration for bar to run in (ms)
    disable_controls = { -- COntrol disables added in for ease of use with bridging qb-progressbar along with providing that extra familiarity.
        mouse = false, -- Disables mouse controls
        movement = false, -- Movement controls
        car_movement = false, -- In vehicle movement controls
        combat = false -- Disables firing
    animation = { -- Here you can input optional animation settings to use no animation remove the section
        dict = 'amb@prop_human_parking_meter@female@base', -- Animation dictionary used if animation provided
        anim = 'base_female', -- Animation type used
        flags = 49, -- Animation flags used
        blend_in = 8.0, -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
        blend_out = -8.0,  -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
        duration = -1,  -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
        playback = 1,  -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
        lock_x = 0,  -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
        lock_y = 0,  -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
        lock_z = 0  -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
    props = {
            model = 'h4_prop_h4_weed_bud_02b', -- Prop model type to create and attach
            bone = 28422, -- Bone to attach prop to
            coords = vector3(0.09, -0.075, 0.0), -- Coords for the prop placement
            rotation = vector3(-90.0, 0.0, 0.0), -- Rotation of the prop
            soft_pin = false, -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
            collision = false, -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
            is_ped = true, -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
            rot_order = 1, -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
            sync_rot = true -- Optional setting this is hard coded in function above
}, function(success) -- Callback function
    if success then
        print('Progress successful')
        print('Progress cancelled')

Last updated