
Client Config

Client config currently covers pretty much nothing just a debug toggle. This will be added too as the project progresses.

     ____   ____ _____ _____   _   _____  ________      ________ _      ____  _____  __  __ ______ _   _ _______ 
    |  _ \ / __ \_   _|_   _| | | |  __ \|  ____\ \    / /  ____| |    / __ \|  __ \|  \/  |  ____| \ | |__   __|
    | |_) | |  | || |   | |   | | | |  | | |__   \ \  / /| |__  | |   | |  | | |__) | \  / | |__  |  \| |  | |   
    |  _ <| |  | || |   | |   | | | |  | |  __|   \ \/ / |  __| | |   | |  | |  ___/| |\/| |  __| | . ` |  | |   
    | |_) | |__| || |_ _| |_  | | | |__| | |____   \  /  | |____| |___| |__| | |    | |  | | |____| |\  |  | |   
    |____/ \____/_____|_____| | | |_____/|______|   \/   |______|______\____/|_|    |_|  |_|______|_| \_|  |_|   
                              | |                                                                                
                              |_|        ROLEPLAY FRAMEWORK BASE

--- Client side configuration settings
-- @script client/config.lua

-- @field config table: Stores all client config options.
config = config or {}

--- @field debug boolean: Used to enable / disable the use of client side debug prints
config.debug = true

Server Config

Server config covers a couple of small elements. This will be added too as the project progresses.

     ____   ____ _____ _____   _   _____  ________      ________ _      ____  _____  __  __ ______ _   _ _______ 
    |  _ \ / __ \_   _|_   _| | | |  __ \|  ____\ \    / /  ____| |    / __ \|  __ \|  \/  |  ____| \ | |__   __|
    | |_) | |  | || |   | |   | | | |  | | |__   \ \  / /| |__  | |   | |  | | |__) | \  / | |__  |  \| |  | |   
    |  _ <| |  | || |   | |   | | | |  | |  __|   \ \/ / |  __| | |   | |  | |  ___/| |\/| |  __| | . ` |  | |   
    | |_) | |__| || |_ _| |_  | | | |__| | |____   \  /  | |____| |___| |__| | |    | |  | | |____| |\  |  | |   
    |____/ \____/_____|_____| | | |_____/|______|   \/   |______|______\____/|_|    |_|  |_|______|_| \_|  |_|   
                              | |                                                                                
                              |_|        ROLEPLAY FRAMEWORK BASE

--- Server side configuration setup.
-- @script server/config.lua

--- @field config table: The main table holding all the data related to framework server side configuration.
config = config or {}

--- @section General settings

--- Debug toggle
-- @field debug boolean: Used to enable / disable the use of server side debug prints
config.debug = true

--- Routing bucket settings
-- @field id: The id for the routing bucket
-- @field label: Human readable label for the bucket
-- @field bucket: The routing bucket number to place players into
-- @field mode: The routing bucket mode: 'strict' -- No entities can be created by clients at all | 'relaxed' -- Only script-owned entities created by clients are blocked | 'inactive' -- Clients can create any entity they want
-- @field population_enabled: true | false
-- @field locations:
-- @field spawn: Default spawn location for new players
-- @field staff_only: 
-- @field enabled: true | false
-- @field ranks: Any ranks here can join the staff only bucket if enabled
-- @field vip_only:
-- @field enabled: true | false
-- @field level: Vip level required to enter the bucket if enabled
-- @field restrict_world_size:
-- @field enabled: true | false
-- @field players: The amount of players that can join the bucket if enabled     
config.routing_buckets = {
    main_world = { 
        id = 'main_world',
        label = 'Roleplay World',
        bucket = 0,
        mode = 'relaxed',
        population_enabled = true,
        locations = {
            spawn = vector4(-268.47, -956.98, 31.22, 208.54)
        staff_only = {
            enabled = false,
            ranks = { }
        vip_only = {
            enabled = false,
            level = 0, 
        restrict_world_size = {
            enabled = false,
            players = 42
    staff_world = {
        id = 'staff_world',
        label = 'Staff Only World', 
        bucket = 1,
        mode = 'relaxed',
        population_enabled = true,
        locations = {
            spawn = vector4(-268.47, -956.98, 31.22, 208.54)
        staff_only = {
            enabled = true,
            ranks = { 'dev' }
        vip_only = {
            enabled = false,
            level = 0, 
        restrict_world_size = {
            enabled = true,
            players = 1

--- @section Player jobs

--- Jobs table
-- @field max_secondary_jobs: Amount of secondary jobs players are limited to. -- Players have 1 primary then however many secondary you like. = {
    max_secondary_jobs = 2,

Default Player Data

You can adjust the default data to be applied to new / returning players within server/player/player_data.lua below is the current file setup.

This will be subject to changes as the project progresses.

     ____   ____ _____ _____   _   _____  ________      ________ _      ____  _____  __  __ ______ _   _ _______ 
    |  _ \ / __ \_   _|_   _| | | |  __ \|  ____\ \    / /  ____| |    / __ \|  __ \|  \/  |  ____| \ | |__   __|
    | |_) | |  | || |   | |   | | | |  | | |__   \ \  / /| |__  | |   | |  | | |__) | \  / | |__  |  \| |  | |   
    |  _ <| |  | || |   | |   | | | |  | |  __|   \ \/ / |  __| | |   | |  | |  ___/| |\/| |  __| | . ` |  | |   
    | |_) | |__| || |_ _| |_  | | | |__| | |____   \  /  | |____| |___| |__| | |    | |  | | |____| |\  |  | |   
    |____/ \____/_____|_____| | | |_____/|______|   \/   |______|______\____/|_|    |_|  |_|______|_| \_|  |_|   
                              | |                                                                                
                              |_|        ROLEPLAY FRAMEWORK BASE

--- Server side default player data.
-- @see server/player/player_object.lua

--- @section Tables

--- Container for default player data settings.
-- @table PLAYER_DATA

--- Player data types.
-- Lists the types of data associated with a player.
-- @see process_data_types
PLAYER_DATA.DATA_TYPES = { 'identity', 'jobs', 'gang', 'balances', 'stats', 'inventory', 'position' }

--- Default player data to be applied to the player object
-- If the player does not have any data stored defaults will be inserted from this table
-- Data for returning players will be automatically updated with any missing default data when their object is created.
-- @see create_player
    identity = {
        first_name = 'John',
        last_name = 'Doe',
        dob = '1990-01-01',
        sex = 'male',
        nationality = 'LS, Los Santos',
        backstory = 'Placeholder backstory..'
    jobs = {
        primary = {
            id = 'unemployed',
            type = 'primary',
            grade = '0',
            on_duty = false
        secondary = {}
    gang = {
        id = 'unaffiliated',
        rank = '0'
    balances = {
        bank = {
            amount = 1000, 
            negative_allowed = true,
            interest_payout_timer = 24, -- hours real time.
            interest_rate = 0.002, -- 0.2%
            interest_accrued = 0,
            transaction_history = {}
        savings = {
            amount = 0, 
            negative_allowed = false,
            interest_payout_timer = 24, -- hours real time.
            interest_rate = 0.025, -- 2.5%
            interest_accrued = 0,
            transaction_history = {}
    inventory = {
        slots = 36,
        carry_weight = 80000,
        items = {
    stats = {
        -- To be used to track data mainly for future planed achievements / multichar display mostly pointless but people might like it 
        -- General ?
        days_played = 0,
        achievements_unlocked = 0,
        -- Ownership ?
        vehicles_owned = 0,
        property_owned = 0,
        businesses_owned = 0,

        -- Legal ?
        items_crafted = 0,

        -- Criminal ?
        crimes_committed = 0,
        times_arrested = 0,
        enemies_defeated = 0,
        -- Social ?
        events_participated = 0,
        time_in_safezones = 0, 
        -- Medical ?
        died = 0,
        died_by_player = 0,
        died_by_ped = 0,
        died_by_animal = 0,
        respawned = 0,
        revived = 0,
        medical_treatment_received = 0,

        -- Economy ?
        total_spent = 0,
        total_earned = 0,
        legal_money_earned = 0,
        illegal_money_earned = 0,
        job_money_earned = 0
    position = config.routing_buckets.main_world.locations.spawn

Last updated